Archive | Children & youth

JaFfA – May 2015

JaFfA Club for May was about the parable told by Jesus about the Good Samaritan. We constructed face masks so that there would be a donkey for the Samaritan. Then we retold the story, with some of our animal toys from home playing the part of the traveller who was mugged on the road to […]

JaFfA – February 2015

The JaFfA Club meets monthly at Santa Margarita, with a different theme each month.  In February, anticipating Valentine’s Day, the theme was “Love,” with the Apostle Paul’s famous writing on love to the Corinthian church (1 Cor. 13) as a background.    

Christingles in Menorca

What is a Christingle?  It is an orange wrapped in a red ribbon, into which is inserted a candle, together with sticks on which are placed fruits and nuts, or sweets. Christingles have been made popular in the England by The Children’s Society, since the first Christingle service, held in the Church of England in […]

JaFfA – October 2014

Messengers of God – Angels and Archangels Remembering an earlier JaFfA, when Jonah tried to run away from God, we heard about the running away of Jacob from his family. This led on to talking about angels, then archangels: the naming of them, and learning about what part they have played in the Bible stories […]

Baptism / Christening

Article published in the October 2014 edition of Roqueta, Menorca’s English-language magazine.  On 24 August, Jamie José Sanchez-Griffiths was baptised: the first baptism at Santa Margarita for a couple of years. It was a very joyful occasion, with a church full of both English and Spanish people: Jamie’s mother is British and his father is […]

JaFfA – September 2014

Once upon a time, there was a farmer … … led us to the telling of the Parable of the “Foolish Farmer” (Luke 12:13-12:21); then we acted out (and sang) the “Apple Song”, in its three versions: step one, one person keeps all five apples; step two, two friends share the apples; step three, by […]


(This article is reproduced from the August issue of Roqueta, Menorca’s English language magazine.)  Recently, in the same week, I was privileged to meet two four-year-old girls, one called Grace and one called Clara, both of whom were visiting grandparents. Grace is at the stage of asking a lot of “Why?” questions. In fact, she seems […]

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