One of the most moving films that I have seen that deals with death and dying is Wit, from 2001, directed by Mike Nicholas, with Emma Thompson. Based on the play of the same name by Margaret Edson, its main character is an English lecturer who finds herself facing death from cancer. It sounds more […]
Archive | December, 2016
Theme for Christmas 2016
The funeral notice for one Jack Webber, described as, “charmer, clock-collector, wit and Royal Navy Commander,” requested that to commemorate Jack, “please give a bunch of flowers to a complete stranger and tell them that they’re absolutely marvellous.” The writer, Martin Wroe decided to try to do just that. After mixed results, he concluded that […]
Theme for Advent 4 – 18 December 2016
Scripture for this Sunday: Isaiah 7:10-16; Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18; Romans 1:1-7; Matthew 1:18-25 How is Mary depicted in the gospel passages dealing with the conception of Jesus, and how does that relate to the treatment of women in general? It has been suggested that Mary is shown as a passive, subservient woman, subject to a […]
Santa Lucia – 13 December
Our Suffragan Bishop, David Hamid, gives some context to Lucia, the festival of light: “There is great darkness in our world. Lucia is a powerful symbol of our faith, that good will prevail despite the apparent increase in evil and people continuing to behave at their worst towards their fellow human beings. St Lucy’s feast […]
Theme for Advent 3 – 11 December 2016
Scripture for the third Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 35.1-10; Psalm 146.1-10; James 5.7-10; Matthew 11.2-11 John the Baptist, languishing in Herod’s jail without a promising outlook, sent a message to Jesus. It was blunt. “Are you the one?” He had probably heard much about Jesus’ teaching and miracles, and sent messengers to Jesus who returned with […]
Christmas Worship for 2016
Please contact the church using the comment form below or phone 617222382 if you have any questions or desire more information.
Readings for December 2016
Readings for the main services of Holy Communion on Sundays and Wednesdays during December. 4 December – Advent 2 Isaiah 11.1-10; Psalm 72.1-7; Romans 15.4-13; Matthew 3.1-12 7 December – Ambrose, bishop of Milan, teacher Ecclesiasticus 2.7-11,16-18; Psalm 27.5-11; Luke 12.35-37,42-44 11 December – Advent 3 Isaiah 35.1-10; Psalm 146.1-10; James 5.7-10; Matthew 11.2-11 14 […]

Christingle – JaFfA
Saturday, 10 December was the occasion for the first Christingle of the season at Santa Margarita in Menorca.
Christingles for Santa Margarita 2016
Theme for Advent 2 – 4 December 2016
Scripture for the second Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 11.1-10; Psalm 72.1-7, 18-19; Romans 15.4-13; Matthew 3.1-12 I have never quite become used to the idea of cold pizza for breakfast, which is something that was a mystery to me until I acquired stepchildren some years ago – although there are those who delight in it. I […]