Scripture for the week: Genesis 29.15–28 Psalm 105.1–11 Romans 8.26–39 Matthew 13.31–33, 44–52 The Apostle Paul’s words to the church in Rome have been a source of comfort for generations of Christians in trying circumstances: nothing can separate us from the love of God. This is how we are supposed to experience the Kingdom of […]
Archive | July, 2014
Consecration of New Bishop
The Rt Revd Robert Innes Consecrated as Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe The strains of Widor’s Toccata were drowned by spontaneous applause as Rt Rev Robert Innes walked out of Canterbury Cathedral after his consecration as Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe. The two hour service, where the Archbishop of Canterbury presided at a Eucharist and […]
PCC Agenda – 29 July 2014
The proposed agenda for the PCC meeting on 29 July is as follows: PCC MEETING TUESDAY 29th JULY 2014 at 10.30hrs At the Tennis Club, Mahon AGENDA Opening Prayer Apologies Approval of Previous PCC Minutes 19TH June 2014 Matters Arising from Previous Minutes 19th June 2014 Signing of previous PCC Minutes Chairman’s Report Debrief re […]
Readings for August 2014
The scripture readings for Sunday and Wednesday worship during August: 3 August – 7th Sunday after Trinity Genesis 32.22–31 Psalm 17.1–7, 16 Romans 9.1–5 Matthew 14.13–21 6 August – Transfiguration Daniel 7.9–10, 13–14 Psalm 97 2 Peter 1.16–19 Luke 9.28–36 10 August – 8th after Trinity Genesis 37.1–4, 12–28 Psalm 105.1–10 Romans 10.5–15 Matthew 14.22–33 […]
Celebration of Santa Margarita
While the ministry of the Anglican chaplaincy in Menorca is clearly and primarily for the English-speaking community on the island, we live amongst the local people and their customs, and it behoves us, every once in a while, to participate in the life and traditions of the community. The day traditionally designated to celebrate Santa […]
Santa Margarita – mini Fiesta
Santa Margarita, or Saint Margaret of Antioch, also known as Marina in the Orthodox Church, is celebrated on 20 July. This year, the date falls on a Sunday. To celebrate, we are going to have a short procession with our saint, from the Roman Catholic iglesia parroquial (parish church) of Es Castell to the church, […]
EnFusion Singing At Santa Margarita
EnFusion 2014-07 The contemporary vocal choir EnFusion will perform at Santa Margarita on Thursday, 10 July, starting at 19:30. The performance will last about an hour, to be followed by a reception with wine, cava, soft drinks and snacks. A collection will be taken for the ministry and work of Santa Margarita, including the food programme […]
Stewardship and Mission
This article has been adapted from Roqueta, July 2014. In early June, Santa Margarita was contacted by the local television station, IB3, and we were asked for the opportunity to do a small feature on the church. Fascinated by this intriguing request, we offered our cooperation, although I am still not entirely sure what prompted […]
JaFfA Club and Daniel
JaFfA Club for July was about Daniel and the lions’ den. We had a little play, about King Darius, and his bad advisors who persuaded him to sign a law that prohibited prayer – and which was designed to incriminate Daniel. We decorated cup cakes with lions’ faces. And we constructed paper lions’ heads. The […]