Archive | May, 2018

Readings for June 2018

The readings for the main services of Holy Communion on Sunday and Wednesday during June are as follows. 3 June 1 Samuel 3.1-20; Psalm 139.1-5,12-18; 2 Corinthians 4.5-12; Mark 2.23-3.6  Hymns: 2 Christ, Whose Glory Fills The Skies – tune: Ratisbon 42 Longing For Light – tune: Christ Be Our Light 638 Give Me Joy […]

Anniversary of the Manchester Bombing

Today marks a year since the bombing at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.  Those who were involved are still very much affected by the events of that night.  For example, the doctors who were amongst the first to respond still recall it vividly: As David Walker, the Bishop of Manchester, said this morning, those […]

Theme for Pentecost 2018

Scripture for the Sunday of Pentecost this year:  Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 104:25-35, 37b; Acts 2:1-21; John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15 I recently saw an exchange of experiences about a British resident in Menorca who had been to see their doctor, whom they knew was able to speak English, but who told them to return with someone who […]

Theme for 13 May 2018

Scripture for the seventh Sunday of Easter (the Sunday after Ascension): Acts 1.15-17,21-26; Psalm 1; 1 John 5.9-13; John 17.6-19 There’s an old saying: be careful what you pray for; you just might get it. We are in the midst of 10 days of prayer: “Your kingdom come.”  The intent is to pray for more […]

Theme for 6 May 2018

Scripture for the sixth Sunday of Easter:  Acts 10.44-48; Psalm 98; 1 John 5.1-6; John 15.9-17 There’s a song that says, “They will know we are Christians by our love.” How do people recognise us as Christians today?  There are so many negative stereotypes that attract publicity and attention that we might wonder whether the constructive ways […]

Theme for 29 April 2018

Scripture for Sunday, 29 April:  Acts 8:26–40; Psalm 22:25–31; 1 John 4:7–21; John 15:1–8 As human beings, we seem to crave certainty. It’s rather an illusion: the more we learn about the universe, the more we discover that there is to learn; the more we know of life as we grow older, the more we discover that […]

Theme for 22 April 2018

Scripture for “Good Shepherd Sunday:” Acts 4.5–12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3.16–24; John 10.11–18 We live in a predominantly urban environment, even in Menorca, which means that some of the finer points of the agricultural parables and analogies of Jesus are lost on us. Having recently watched sheep on the hillsides of Mallorca for several […]

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