Readings for the worship on Sundays and Wednesdays. 1 December – Advent 1 Isaiah 2.1–5; Psalm 122; Romans 13.11–14; Matthew 24.36–44 4 December – John of Damascus Ecclesiastes 3.9-14; Psalm 29; John 5.24-27 8 December – Advent 2 Isaiah 11.1–10; Psalm 72.1–7; Romans 15.4–13; Matthew 3.1–12 11 December Isaiah 40.25–31; Psalm 103.8–13; Matthew 11.28–30 15 December – Advent […]
Archive | November, 2019
Christmas Raffle
The annual Santa Margarita Christmas raffle will be drawn after the service of lessons and carols on 15 December. Tickets are €2 each, €10 for a booklet of five. Star prize this year is a 3-night stay in a London 5 star hotel for two people with return flights Menorca/London. Other prizes: Flight around the […]
Theme for Sunday, 24 November 2019
Scripture for this Sunday (Reign of Christ, or Christ the King): Jeremiah 23.1-6; Psalm 46; Colossians 1.11-20; Luke 23.33-43 I thought that it was rather interesting that during a week when an English coal miner’s daughter emerged as perhaps a pivotal point in the downfall of an American president, a notable anniversary occurred: the 200th […]
Concierto de Navidad / Christmas Concert
Domingo, 22 de Diciembre a las 18:30 / Sunday, 22 December at 18:30 En la Iglesia / In the Church ofSanta Margarita, C/Stuart 20 Concierto de Navidad / Christmas Concert:Academia Adagio y Alumnos Escuela de Música d’Es Castell. Concierto de Navidad, con las corales “Infantil y Mixta” acompañados por la formación orquestral de la Academia […]
Theme for Sunday, 17 November 2019
Scripture for this Sunday: Malachi 4.1-2a; Psalm 98; 2 Thessalonians 3.6-13; Luke 21.5-19 It is thirty years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Two months before, a series of protests had begun in the East German city of Leipzig – in a Lutheran church, and this triggered a series of events that culminated in the […]
Remembrance Sunday 2019
Two years ago the Canadian singer songwriter Lorena McKennitt wrote a song, The Breaking of the Sword. She was prompted to write the song, which imagines the feelings of loss and grief of a mother whose son had been lost in the Great War, after participating in the centenary commemorations of the Battle of Vimy […]
Theme for Sunday, 3 November 2019 – All Saints
Scripture for this Sunday: Daniel 7.1–3, 15–18; Psalm 149; Ephesians 1.11–23; Luke 6.20–31 When I was young, one of the books that we read in Primary School was The Water Babies, a story by Charles Kingsley, who was a priest in the Church of England in the mid-19th century. It is a kind of fairy story, but […]
This article was originally printed in the October 2019 issue of Roqueta, Menorca’s English language magazine. October arrives. It’s autumn – although who knows how autumnal the weather may be in Menorca at this time?! Looking back to the springtime, I wonder how many hopes or aspirations have been fulfilled, or how many disappointments have […]