Scripture for the Third Sunday of Lent: Isaiah 55.1-9; Psalm 63.1-9; 1 Corinthians 10.1-13; Luke 13.1-9 A couple once came to see me for some marriage preparation. I’m not sure how this came up in the course of talking about how couples communicate, but somewhere in the midst of talking about how simple remarks can […]
Archive | February, 2016
George Herbert
On 27 February, the church remembers George Herbert, an English priest of the early seventeenth century — and a poet who taught his verse to “rise harmoniously” on the wings of prayer. Born in 1593, he became a young man of brilliant promise, high-minded and proud — especially in his religion. He was convinced that […]
Readings for March 2016
Readings from scripture assigned for major worship services (Sunday, Wednesday) for March. 2 March – Chad, bishop Proverbs 16.1-3; Psalm 95.1-7; Philippians 4.10-13; Luke 14.1,7-14 6 March – Mothering Sunday 1 Samuel 1.20-28; Psalm 127; Colossians 3.12-17; John 19.25b-27 9 March Isaiah 49.8-15; Psalm 145.8-18; John 5.17-30 13 March – Fifth Sunday of Lent Isaiah […]
Theme for the Week – 21 February 2016
There seems to be an odd human tendency to walk in the steps that others have trodden before us, sometimes regardless of the unfortunate consequences of doing so. Then we stumble. Jesus was confronted by a people (Jerusalem is mentioned in the gospel as a representation of Israel) who had repeatedly walked in ways that […]
Theme for 14 February 2016
Scripture for the first Sunday of Lent: Deuteronomy 26.1-11; Psalm 91.1-11; Romans 10.8b-13; Luke 4.1-13 It seems to be easier than one might imagine to find oneself lost in a wilderness place, even in Menorca. Sometimes the fields look very similar, the olive scrub obscures the horizon and the stone walls are large and uncomfortable […]
Theme for the last Sunday before Lent
Scripture for Sunday (Transfiguration): Exodus 34.29-35; Psalm 99; 2 Corinthians 3.12-4.2; Luke 9.28-36 Someone said at the Synod meeting of our Archdeaconry last week that, “these are really nice people.” And, indeed, they are. Representatives from something like 33 chaplaincies, including ours, were gathered for three days or worship, study, information dissemination and gathering and, most […]
The Martyrs of Japan
On 6 February, the church commemorates the first Christian martyrs in Japan. February 5,1997 marks the 400th anniversary of the first Christian martyrs in Japan. The Japanese martyrs became Christians as a result of the witness of Roman Catholic missionaries who first arrived in Japan with the Portugese in 1543. The Jesuit priest Francis Xavier, […]
Conclusion of Archdeaconry Synod
At the closing service of Holy Communion for the Gibraltar Archdeaconry Synod, the Rev. Geoff Johnson, who is the Archdeacon, preached. The theme for the Synod was ‘Uncomfortably Anglican,’ but as several others before him had noted, being Anglican is not exactly uncomfortable for many of us. In fact, Geoff was very comfortable being an […]
Bishop Bill Godfrey at Archdeaconry Synod
The Rt. Rev. Bill Godfrey, “Bishop Bill” of Peru, preached at Wednesday’s Eucharist at the Gibraltar Archdeaconry Synod. Centring on Luke’s gospel account of Jesus’ explanation of the parable of the sower and the seed, Bishop Bill made five key points. The core of Christian ministry has to be a serving heart, a serving spirit, […]
Diocese in Europe Times
News from the Diocese in Europe. Next issue will be in mid-March. Diocese in Europe Times 2016