Newsletter – April 2024


NEWSLETTER – April 2024

For more information:

Email Carole Brayford at Or talk to the Revd Paul



The St. Patrick’s Day Lunch on Sunday 17 March was thoroughly enjoyed at La Bolera, just outside San Lluis.  Good food and company – many thanks to Heike for the recommendation.  

Lenten Bible Studies.  Every Wednesday during Lent a small group have been studying (in church and on Zoom) Bishop Michael Marshall’s book “Lent with The Beloved Disciple” based on the Gospel of John – and one week Bishop Michael joined in person.  A simple soup lunch followed for those attending in person.  Many thanks to Revd. Paul for leading us.

Palm Sunday, 24 March – Ready for the Service with blessing of palms and Holy Communion 

Easter Day 31 March – Sunrise Service at Punta Prima beach.  He is risen indeed! (In very windy circumstances !)


Gwent Touring Band – Concert in Church – Friday 5 April at 8pm – the popular brass band returns for the 25thyear (2000-2024) under director Lana Tingay.  Always entertaining!  See the church website  for the Rotary Club’s Programme of events in the week following Easter.  

Annual Chaplaincy Meeting (ACM previously the APCM) – Sunday 14 April at approx.. 12.30pm following the 11am service.   In church and on Zoom. 

  • Detailed instructions and helpful information have been sent by email by Margaret Jones, our Secretary, to everyone on the Electoral Roll.  Please reply as requested. 
  • The Electoral Roll has been revised and a copy is on the church notice board.  Papers and the Zoom link for the meeting will be sent in advance.
  • Chaplaincy Council (formerly the PCC) Member.  If you are on the Electoral Roll then do prayerfully consider seeking nomination and joining the team, even if you are not resident.  Your contribution will be very much valued.  Talk to Paul for more details and request a nomination form from Margaret Jones (see her email sent on 27 March).  New members are always welcome (we are entitled to six lay representatives).  This is initially for a 3 year term.  You can join meetings in person or via Zoom.
  • Church Wardens.  Also, if you feel called to serve as a church warden for this year then again discuss this with Paul and see the procedure in Margaret’s email of 27 March. 
  • Chaplaincy Safeguarding Officer.  This role is currently vacant with the Revd. Paul acting Officer.  If you feel able to volunteer for this important role then do speak to Paul. 
  • Chaplaincy Council Meeting.  Following the ACM there will be a short Chaplaincy Council meeting including with new members.  Please hold the CC members and all their discussions in your prayers.

Tuesday 23 April – St. George’s Day

  • Service of Morning Prayer in the chapel on the Isla del Rey at 11:00 (boat leaves at 10:30).  The yellow boat from Mahon port will not be running on the 23 April so you can join Rev Paul on the Zodiac Rib to cross to the island.   After the service we will return to Mahon for lunch.
  • St George’s Day Lunch at 1.30pm  Trattoria Vianello in Mahon (to be confirmed).  More details to follow.  To join us add your name to the Sign Up sheet on the church notice board or let Carole or Paul know by Sunday 21 April.


  • Proposed Retreat – Northern Spain Area Deanery Retreat in Barcelona – 31 May – 2 June 2024.  The theme is “Joy is a kingdom of justice and peace”, with speakers focusing on Christian spirituality, compassionate care within the Christian community, and the spiritual role of self care (at least, those are currently the tentative plans).  The following web link will give more details and registration arrangements as they are available:


  • Foodbank – The sale of some lovely Easter gifts crafted by Liz Astley has raised 80€ for our Foodbank fund.
  • Easter Food Vouchers.  This Easter we had hoped to liaise with the Red Cross to provide food vouchers for distribution to families in need, but this has proven to be more difficult than expected.


  • New Church Website !  The current website address will be changing in the next few weeks from to   Do use it for up to date information about what is happening – although don’t stop reading this Newsletter!!
  • The Chaplaincy Council “CC” (formerly PCC).  Details of the newly elected council will be published in the May Newsletter.  The Council currently comprises – the Rev. Paul, the church wardens – Trevor Jones (also Archdeaconry Synod representative) and David Green, as well as Margaret Jones (Archdeaconry Synod representative and church and CC secretary), Liz Astley, Colin Guanaria, Suzanne Hodges (treasurer) and Carole Brayford.   
  • Digital Card Reader.  Suzanne Hodges, our treasurer, has undertaken the training (many thanks Suzanne!) and we hope to have this up and running at the back of the church in the near future to encourage giving from our visitors who wish to pay by card.   
  • Solar Panels.  We continue to wait for an update from the Catholic church on when these might be fitted.
  • The weekly services of Holy Communion are recorded.  If you are not on island or cannot be in church but would like to follow the service, contact Paul and he will send the link.

If anyone is willing to host a future social event – coffee morning, afternoon tea, or simple tapas that would be much appreciated.  Please let Carole know.  


If you would like to support the ministry of Santa Margarita, the Anglican Church in Menorca, then you can do so by clicking the Donate button. Your donation will be very gratefully received.


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