The following article has been published in the June 2019 edition of Roqueta, Menorca’s English-language magazine. One of the remarkable aspects of the New Testament in the Bible is its egalitarianism. The stories of Jesus’ encounters with others include those who are prosperous as well as those who are poor, disadvantaged, or needy; the powerful […]
Archive | June, 2019
Theme for Trinity Sunday, 16 June 2019
Scripture for Trinity Sunday: Proverbs 8.1–4, 22–31; Psalm 8; Romans 5.1–5; John 16.12–15 Someone grumbled on Twitter last week to the effect that in preaching we should stick to presenting the gospel and bringing people to the foot of the cross. “I don’t care about your views on the news,” he said. Which is an […]
Theme for Pentecost, Sunday 9 June 2019
Scripture for the Sunday of Pentecost: Acts 2.1-21; Psalm 104.26-36,37b; Romans 8.14-17; John 14.8-17 The Jewish festival of Shavuot is the time when Jews celebrate the gift of the Law was given to the people of Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai – fifty days after Passover. Greek-speaking Jews called it Pentecost. It was (and […]
Theme for Sunday, 2 June 2019
Scripture for the seventh Sunday of Easter: Acts 16.16–34 (Apostle Paul exorcises a girl with the gift of discernment); Psalm 97; Revelation 22.12–14,16, 17, 20-21; John 17.20-26 (Jesus offers a prayer of commissioning for his followers) There’s a saying: “No good deed goes unpunished.” The Apostle Paul learned this several times: in Philippi the exorcism of […]
D-Day 75th Anniversary
On 6 June 1944, after nearly 5 years of war, allied troops began the invasion of Normandy from sea and air. By the end of the day approximately 156,000 troops were established in Normandy. There were many casualties and deaths on both sides and amongst civilians. This marks a time to offer prayerful thanksgiving for […]
A Benediction
Rachel Held Evans was an American Christian writer who died unexpectedly earlier this year. This benediction captures the sense of her prophetic witness, willing to tell the truth to and about power, especially within the Christian community, and the challenge of Christian faith to serve, nurture and nourish all who come in need. The Benediction […]