Readings for the main services of Holy Communion on Sundays and Wednesdays during March. 1 March – Ash Wednesday 2 Corinthians 5.20b-6.10; Psalm 51.1-18; John 8.1-11 5 March – Lent 1 Genesis 2.15–17 3.1–7; Psalm 32; Romans 5.12–19; Matthew 4.1–11 8 March Jonah 3; Psalm 51.1–5, 17–18; Luke 11.29–32 12 March – Lent 2 Genesis […]
Archive | February, 2017
Theme for the Week – 19 February 2017
Scripture for this Sunday (Church of England deviation from Revised Common Lectionary): Genesis 1.1—2.3; Psalm 136.1–9, 23–26; Romans 8.18–25; Matthew 6.25–34 It is very easy to take the wonder of creation for granted. Oddly, we tend to notice it when it seems almost out of place, as, for example, when we find unexpected water birds […]
A Note From The Diocesan Chair Of The House Of Clergy
Dear fellow Clergy, I believe I do not need to explain in detail the very mixed response to the House of Bishops’ Report MARRIAGE AND SAME SEX RELATIONSHIPS AFTER THE SHARED CONVERSATIONS. ‘Taking note’ is a synodical procedure which is a way to introduce documents to the Synod thus allowing them to be used as […]
Theme for the Week – 12 February 2017
Scripture for this Sunday: Deuteronomy 30.15–20; Psalm 119.1–8; 1 Corinthians 3.1–9; Matthew 5.21–37 The practice of emphasising what we say through the use of oaths of some sort is very old, and evidently commonplace in Jesus’ time. Of course, all too often they cover some underlying deficiency. Jesus challenged his disciples to be seen to be […]
Women’s World Day of Prayer 2017
The Women’s World Day of Prayer will be celebrated at Santa Margarita this year on Friday, 3 March.
JaFfA Club – 11 February 2017
The JaFfA (Jesus a Friend for All) club gathered on Saturday afternoon to think about the names of Christ. Between the prophetic anticipation of the Messiah (Christ) and the ways that Jesus is described in the New Testament, often in his own words, there are at least 25 different names. We were given candles with […]
Theme for the Week – 5 February 2017
Scripture for this Sunday: Isaiah 58.1–9a; Psalm 112.1–9; 1 Corinthians 2.1–12; Matthew 5.13–20 Between Torrevieja and Alicante there are huge salt flats and large piles of salt waiting to be used for – what? Food and icy roads? In the ancient world, salt’s primary purpose was for preservation – to stop things going bad – […]
Readings for February 2017
Readings for the main services of Holy Communion on Sundays and Wednesdays during February. February 1st – Brigid, Abbess of Kildare, c 525 Judges 4:4-9; Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; Matthew 6:25-33 February 5th – 4th Sunday before Lent Isaiah 58:1–9a; Psalm 112:1–9; 1 Corinthians 2:1–12; Matthew 5:13–20 February 8th Genesis 2:4b–9, 15–17; Psalm 104:11–12, […]