You may view the recorded service of Morning Prayer, from the Book of Common Prayer, using the Youtube link above. The service is about 29 minutes in duration.
This is the final recorded service of Wednesday Morning Prayer to be offered through the Santa Margarita web site. Thanks be to those who have faithfully supported us through the past 26 months since these recordings began on 18 March 2020.
The cost of maintaining the chaplaincy of Santa Margarita is completely self-financed locally, and during the closure of the church, there is no income from the weekly collection. If you would like to support the ministry of the Anglican Church in Menorca, please click on the button below to make a donation.
Saying THANK YOU to you ( and your Team,) does not seen enough to express the the feelings of those of us who were able to take part in ALL of those 117 Services. Yes there are some who did log on to ALL of them, I was one of them.
I forwarded them to a group of ‘followers’ in the North West of England.
When it came to saying that they might be coming to an end I was asked to say to you what a wonderful support they have been during some dark times of this pandemic.
Those ‘swallows’ who could not get over to their second homes in Menorca valued the views too, as well as your wisdom. Mention was made of them actually being the saving of their faith. This is why Thank You does not seem enough.
Each Service has had to be prepared and that is in content as well as all the technology it entails, and time to reach the venues of course.
The Homilies have been excellent in so many ways. The theological and Biblical content, the references, links to every imaginable source ( even Dolly Parton last week) shows how deep and wide your knowledge is and all woven in to the weekly texts and world events…. beyond belief.
They were mind stretching too and I felt I learned so much from them especially when it involved personal back grounds of nominated individuals.
Your own faith and indeed love for what you were helping us to understand was at the heart of all you shared with us.
So, THANK YOU Rev PAUL…with all that those words can possibly mean