Worship at Santa Margarita has been suspended for 15 days from 13 March 2020 as the result of precautionary measures relating to the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
At 11:00 (Central European Time) on Sunday, 15 March, the Eucharist will be celebrated at Santa Margarita. Because of the church closure, only two people can be present, the priest (Paul) and the assistant (Kate).
You are invited to share in this worship by following the words in this presentation, sharing the hymns and prayers, and listening to the sermon. There is a long gospel reading prescribed for this Sunday. The presentation works as a video file, so you may control it (forward, back, pause) using the video controls. To view in full screen mode, click the box in the lower right corner. It is 41 minutes long in total. There is a synchronisation problem with the sound for the sermon – apologies for that.
If you encounter any difficulties with this presentation, which is still somewhat experimental, or have any comments or suggestions, please leave a comment in the space below, or send an e-mail to chaplain@anglicanchurchmenorca.com.
Paul that was lovely. Thank you
Mary Robinson Palma de Mallorca
Thank you so much for the wonderful service Lawrence and I have listened to and participated in this Sunday morning. I haven’t been to church this morning as we are trying to be more in self isolatied. It is going to be hard but we have our family close by. I feel that having you speak to us draws us closer to the Church in Menorca ,which I love, and friends there. I look forward to hearing next week’s service as I can watch and hear again today’s service.Thank you as God bless. Audrey and Lawrence.x
Thank you so much for setting this up for us Rev Paul and thank you to Kate and Trevor for joining you.
The whole service came to us perfectly and no apology was needed for any technical error as the Outside Broadcast showed no such thing.
Blessings to you for allowing us to join together over all the miles today.
Would that Christians everywhere could have shared a similar moving experience.
Sharing your skills with us in the Christian context was a true reflection of the special person you are. We are very fortunate in Santa Margarita
Ann ( and even Ken joined me )
Thanks. I am in the U.K. hoping to get back to Spain next month if possible. I enjoyed the service. Thanks very much.
Thank you Paul for this innovative way to continue to worship as a community. Here in the UK our Covid-19 journey is not as advanced as yours and perhaps we can learn from it. We’re sure we will get to a point where, even with the precautions we’re taking at the moment, it will not be enough. Our thoughts are with all of you in the Santa margarita family and we will continue to hold you in our prayers.
Our trip to the island at the end of April does seem to be in jeopardy but who knows what tomorrow may bring. We just have to continue to trust in Him and listen to the advice of the experts. That’s why He gave them to us. God bless you all and thanks again for today.
Well done!
What prompt action.
I will send it to my church – best to be prepared.
Thank you
What a wonderful service. Thank you so much Paul and helpers, you must have put a lot of time and thought into that service.
I can see this idea being used for other things in time.
God Bless you all, I look forward to next week.
Good sermon Paul Thank you.
Well done – a wonderful way to keep everyone connected.
Leading the way! Thank you Paul and Kate. I’m guessing we’re about a week away from discontinueing public worship here in the UK. God bless you both
Thank you Paul and Kate for a very good service. We couldn’t wait until 11.00 to start and we were so pleased you were able to do the service.
We thought we were going to have problems with the sound at the beginning of your sermon but it certainly did improve and we heard it very clearly. It was all so very good thank, you both so very much.
Sheena and John