World Day of Prayer 2022

This year’s World Day of Prayer has been prepared by the women of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The service this year is centred on a passage from the book of the prophet Jeremiah which offers hope, and hope is the overarching theme of this service. Jeremiah also addresses the exiled people of Israel. During the service voices of those who have felt exiled in different ways in today’s world will be heard. Their stories tell of how God’s plans for them have worked out in unexpected ways – plans that have brought freedom, justice and God’s peace.

The World Day of Prayer Service in the church of Santa Margarita was offered on Zoom at 11:00 CET on Friday, 4 March. To view the recording of the service from Zoom, please use the button below.

More information about the World Day of Prayer for 2022 can be found at:

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