A Message From The Diocesan Environment Officer

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
It is now almost 6 months since I took over from Madeleine Holmes as the Environment Officer for our Diocese here in Europe. (If you want to know more about me, see the Summer edition (No. 66) of The Anglican European.). I have at last managed to put together a list of contact emails – a fascinating journey through Europe! Hopefully we can stay in touch.

+ We are about to enter ‘Creation Time’ in the Church calendar. Officially it is from 1st Sept. to 4th Oct. which of course is St Francis’ Day when prayers, for the protection of creation and promotion of sustainable lifestyles, are said.  

Various themes can be explored during this month, culminating in a vibrant and joyful celebration of all that God has so generously given us.

‘Creation Time’ Resources can be found on the following websites:

  • www.ecocongregation.org
  • www.operationnoah.org
  • http://www.greenanglicans.org/

+ 1st September……. News from Church of England (to be shared with our congregations…)

Church joins Pope Francis in worldwide call to prayer for the Environment


+  Please review & sign the petition at: pilgrimage2paris.org.uk

    I have written about this on my Anglican European webpage. The petition urges the government to do all they can at the coming UN Paris Summit meeting, to get the nations to agree on a binding commitment to combat climate change.

+ Last but certainly not least…….

    I am trying to build up a link system across the Diocese. That means that I would like to have at least one person in each chaplaincy who has an interest in the environment and how we as Christians are called to live in the world entrusted to us by God.

    The ‘link’ person can be just that, my link, but they could also initiate more in their areas if they wanted to! I am more than happy to support people and find resources and ideas with them.        

  Finally, I am aware from the websites that many churches are already very active in this area.  My apologies for ‘carrying coals to Newcastle’ if that is the case! However, it would be really helpful for me if those churches could keep me up to date briefly with the situation they are in and how they are discovering ways to be active – either as individuals or collectively as chaplaincies.

If you would like to be doing something but don’t know where to start – please let me know. Also let me know if there are specific issues you would like to learn more about. It may be possible to organise workshops with people like A Rocha.

May you be especially blessed as you plan the weeks ahead.

Elizabeth Bussmann (Revd)

Environment Officer for the Diocese in Europe

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