Worship for Sunday, 10 January 2021

At 11:00 (Central European Time) on Sunday, 10 January, the Eucharist for the first Sunday after Epiphany, celebrating the Baptism of Christ, will be celebrated at Santa Margarita, with the opportunity to reaffirm baptismal vows. You are invited to participate in this worship by following the words (congregational parts in subtitles, or  bold), sharing the hymns and prayers, and listening to the sermon. The presentation works as a video file, so you may control it (forward, back, pause) using the video controls. The service lasts about 46 minutes. Online worship will continue indefinitely.

The cost of maintaining the chaplaincy of Santa Margarita is completely self-financed locally, and during the closure of the church, there is no income from the weekly collection. If you would like to support the ministry of the Anglican Church in Menorca, please click on the button below to make a donation.

2 Responses to Worship for Sunday, 10 January 2021

  1. George Swindell 2021/01/14 at 14:52 #

    Rev’d Paul
    Interesting homily thanks.
    I have visited Israel and the River Jordan. mixed views and emotions ( commercialisation and conflicts)
    It reminded me of previous comms when I asked you about Baptism.
    I cannot find any baptism info for myself( a bit late at 75 I fear!) and my parents died many years ago.
    I would like to take communion but not knowing if I have been baptised prevents me.
    Any advice please?
    Best Regards
    George Swindell

  2. Jean Faulkner 2021/01/15 at 13:45 #

    Thank for for the prayers for our church in Madeira. We are still able to have a service in the church every Sunday at 11.M. No singing or wine and other restrictions but it is great to be able to be together even if socially distanced and masked! We send our prayers to you also and thank you for keeping up this very special video every weekl I especially like it when you preach your sermon from a different location every week
    Jean Faulkner

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