The Season of Easter – A Reflection

by Musu Taylor-Lewis

I met Musu Taylor-Lewis through the local ministerial association in British Columbia. Her reflection on Easter as a season is worth reading.

Did you know that Easter is not a day or weekend but a whole season? The fifty days between resurrection Sunday and Pentecost make up the Easter Season, and I am starting to realize what an important season it is.

For the disciples it was a season of discovery, of being confronted with their own misunderstandings of Jesus and finally putting themselves in a place to be reformed by God. There are a few things I will reflect on from their experience as my understanding of how to live out my faith is again reconstructed by the realities of the coronavirus pandemic and personal struggles.

  1. Jesus stayed with the disciples and helped them understand what had happened, patiently reminding them of the meaning of what he had taught them before he was crucified (Acts 1:3). He will never leave me nor forsake me. I am confident that he is with me in the questions, the confusion, the figuring-it-out. That makes all the difference. 
  2. I am struck by how many times the disciples did not recognize Jesus. Mary at the tomb, disciples in the house, on the road to Emmaus and by the sea shore. I know that I can miss Him too. As I focus on the tasks at hand and the getting-through-this I may forget to open my eyes or to look up from what I am doing and thinking. I pray that like the disciples I will eventually recognize his presence. The knowing and the seeing are different things.
  3. The season ends at Pentecost, which coincides with the Jewish festival commemorating the giving of a path to intimacy with God. It is not a coincidence that the disciples were given a gift of further intimacy with God on that particular day. So for me in this season, despite the difficulties, I will look for His offers of further intimacy. I will look for the lessons and the Spirit that draw me closer and put myself in a place to change my understanding of how to live out my faith for the better.

One Response to The Season of Easter – A Reflection

  1. Ian R MacHattie 2020/04/16 at 02:44 #

    Yes, I think Easter is more of a journey, and basically tells if a bigger journey that has gone on before. One that, if we really recognize it, tells us the ‘why’ in life’s meaning. Thank you ,Musu.

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