Sponsored Songs of Praise – So Far (Updated 10 Sept.)

Here is the list of the most popular hymns in our Sponsored Songs of Praise – as of Saturday, 10 September. Things are close, but there is still time to vote before Praise & Pizza on Monday!


1 One More Step Along the World I Go

2 Eternal Father, Strong to Save

3 Thine be the Glory, Risen, Conquering Son

4 Praise, my Soul, the King of Heaven

5= All Creatures of our God and King

5= Be Still, for the Presence of the Lord

5= Colours of Day Dawn into the Mind

5= Give Me Joy in My Heart, Keep Me Praising

5= Here is Bread, Here is Wine

5= Sent by the Lord am I

5= The King of love my shepherd is

12= God is Working His Purpose Out

12= Just As I Am, Without One Plea

14= Brother, Sister, Let Me Serve You

14= Come Down, O Love Divine

14= I danced in the Morning When the World was Begun

14= The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want

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