NEWSLETTER – March 2024
For more information
Email Carole Brayford at Or talk to the Revd Paul
Pancake Day Lunch – Shrove Tuesday.
This annual event, with Paul yet again expertly and effortlessly tossing pancakes, was held at the church and enjoyed by all – see photos.

The Coral Mijanit once again entertained us to a wonderful concert at Santa Margarita on the last Sunday of February after the 11am service. A video of the performance is on Youtube – see DVDs of the concert are available from Paul for a donation to church funds.
Visit by Rev. Louis Durrant, (Area Dean for Southern Spain). We were delighted to meet the Rev. Louis who visited us at Santa Margarita to lead our Sunday worship whilst Paul was leading the worship in Girona (where there is currently a vacancy). Father Louis was hospitalised shortly after returning to Malaga with some form of arthritis impairing his ability to walk. Please pray for him.
Archdeaconery Synod. In early February Rev. Paul and our Synod representatives, Margaret and Trevor Jones, attended the Synod in Calpe, Alicante. Our report to the Synod will be available at our Annual Church Meeting (see below).
World Day of Prayer – 1 March at 11:00 in the church and on Zoom. Details will be posted on the church website. This year’s prayer service has been prepared by the women of Palestine.
St. Patrick’s Day Lunch – Sunday 17 March. Heike has recommended La Bolera, outside San Lluis for lunch so we will be meeting there at 1.30pm – approx. 23€ p. head. Let Carole or Paul know if you are able to join us, or use the sign up sheet on the church notice board.
Electoral Roll – before 20 March. To take part and vote at the Annual meeting (Sunday 14 April), you should ensure that you are on the current Electoral Roll. The last full revision was in 2019 but you may have joined in the years since then. Contact Margaret Guanaria (Electoral Roll officer) or Margaret Jones, the Church secretary, if you wish to check your status or add or delete your name before 20 March. The revised list will be posted on the church notice board until 29 March for further review, amendment or correction. Thereafter no further revisions can be made until after the Annual Meeting.
Lenten Bible Studies and Lunch – every Wednesday during Lent until 27 March (in church and on Zoom) starting 12.30pm (CET) (11.30am GMT). We are looking at Bishop Michael Marshall’s book “Lent with The Beloved Disciple” based on the Gospel of John. A simple soup lunch for those attending in person follows our bible studies. All are welcome to join.
Chaplaincy Council meeting – now renamed CC – 21 March at 12noon – in person and on Zoom. Please hold the CC members and all their discussions in your prayers.
Easter – Services. Further details of all the services can be found on the Church website.
- Sunday, 24 March, Palm Sunday Service with blessing of palms and Holy Communion
11:00am - Maundy Thursday, 28 March 11am Service celebrating the washin of feet and institution of Holy Communion. 5.30pm Tenebrae service and stripping of the altar.
- Good Friday, 29 March 12 noon. Three hours of prayer and reflection based on the Seven Words from the Cross.
- Saturday 30 March 19.30pm The Great Vigil of Easter with lighting of the fire and the first lighting of the Paschal candle.
- Easter Day – Sunday 31 March.
- 7.15am Sunrise Worship at Punta Prima beach (sunrise will be at 7.29am this year)
- 9.00am Holy Communion at Santa Margarita
- 11am Holy Communion with hymns and the possibility of Easter eggs at Santa Margarita.
- Annual Church Meeting “ACM”. This will be held in church and on Zoom on Sunday 14 April at approximately 12.30pm following the service. Papers and the link will be sent in advance.
- Chaplaincy Council (formerly the PCC) – join the team ! Have you considered joining the team? If you are regular member at Santa Margarita (and on the electoral roll), even if you are not resident, then do prayerfully consider seeking nomination. Meetings can be attended on Zoom. Your contribution will be very much valued. Discuss with Paul if you would like further details. Nomination forms can be requested from Margaret Jones, the Secretary.
- St. Georges Day – 23 April. Details of the service on the Isla del Rey and a lunch have yet to be finalised.
- Proposed Retreat in Barcelona – 31 May – 2 June 2024. No further details are yet available.
Peru – The two Peruvian students that we are supporting this year to continue their studies have written expressing their sincere thanks.
- Digital Card Reader. Our application for a subsidised Card Reader has been approved by the Diocese of Europe. There is paperwork to complete and a one off contribution towards the cost to be made (no further costs thereafter). This should be in place at the back of the church by April/May.
- Solar Panels. We wait for an update from the Catholic church on when these might be fitted.
- The church website – Do use the church website which should have up to date information about what is happening – although don’t stop reading this Newsletter !!
- The Chaplaincy Council “CC” (formerly PCC) currently comprises – the Rev. Paul, the church wardens – Trevor Jones (also Archdeaconry Synod representative) and David Green, as well as Margaret Jones (Archdeaconry Synod representative and church and CC secretary), Liz Astley, Colin Guanaria, Suzanne Hodges (treasurer) and Carole Brayford.
- The weekly services of Holy Communion are recorded. If you are not on island or cannot be in church but would like to follow the service, contact Paul and he will send the link.
If anyone is willing to host a future social event – coffee morning, afternoon tea, or simple tapas that would be much appreciated. Please let Carole know.
If you would like to support the ministry of Santa Margarita, the Anglican Church in Menorca, then you can do so by going to the website and clicking the Donate button
Your donation will be very gratefully received.
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