Santa Margarita Christmas Bazaar

Santa Margarita held its annual Christmas Bazaar on 5 December. For the first time, the bazaar coincided with a Christmas fair organised by the local council and the Menorca Britannia Association.

A large canopy was erected on the main square to accommodate the church and other vendors.

A large canopy was erected on the main square to accommodate the church and other vendors.

The inter generational band of Jose y Sus Muchachos provided some early entertainment.

The inter-generational band of Jose y Sus Muchachos provided some early entertainment.

Outside, the band passed tables and chairs for those consuming refreshments.

Outside, the band passed tables and chairs for those consuming refreshments.

Inside the Sala Multifuncional, alongside the main square, refreshments were served, and tasty baked goods were available.

Inside the Sala Multifuncional, alongside the main square, refreshments were served, and tasty baked goods were available.

On the Esplanada both baked goods and Christmas items were sold.

On the Esplanada both baked goods and Christmas items were sold.

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