Readings for the services of Holy Communion on Sundays and Wednesdays during March.
1 March – Lent 1
Genesis 2.15–17; 3.1–7; Psalm 32; Romans 5.12–19; Matthew 4.1–11
4 March
Jonah 3; Psalm 51.1–5, 17–18; Luke 11.29–32
8 March – Lent 2
Genesis 12.1–4a; Psalm 121; Romans 4.1–5, 13–17; John 3.1–17
11 March
Jeremiah 18.18–20; Psalm 31.4–5, 14–18; Matthew 20.17–28
15 March – Lent 3
Exodus 17.1–7; Psalm 95; Romans 5.1–11; John 4.5–42
18 March – Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem
Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 47.8-10; Psalm 122; Luke 24.44-48
22 March – Lent 4 & Mothering Sunday
1 Samuel 1.20-28; Psalm 127; Colossians 3.12-17; John 19.25b-27
25 March – Annunciation
Isaiah 7.10–14; Psalm 40.5–11; Hebrews 10.4–10; Luke 1.26–38
29 March – Lent 5
Ezekiel 37.1–14; Psalm 130; Romans 8.6–11; John 11.1–45
Additional festivals and commemorations in March
- 2 March
Chad, bishop, missionary, 672 - 6 March
Ember Day - 7 March
Perpetua, Felicity & companions, martyrs, 203
Ember Day - 17 March
Patrick, bishop, missionary, patron of Ireland, c 460 - 19 March
Joseph of Nazareth (fathers’ day in Spain) - 20 March
Cuthbert, bishop, missionary, 687 - 21 March
Thomas Cranmer, archbishop, Reformation martyr, 1556 - 24 March
Walter Hilton, mystic, 1396
Paul Couturier, priest, ecumenist, 1953
Oscar Romero, archbishop, martyr, 1980 - 26 March
Harriet Monsell, founder of Community of St John the Baptist, 1883 - 31 March
John Donne, priest, poet, 1631
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