2 January – Basil & Gregory
Wisdom 7.7–10, 15–16; Psalm 27.1–6, 12–13; John 5.19–24
6 January – Epiphany
Isaiah 60.1-6; Psalm 72.10-15; Ephesians 3.1-12; Matthew 2.1-12
98 From The Eastern Mountains
105 We Three Kings Of Orient Are
96 Brightest And Best Of The Stars Of The Morning
94 As With Gladness Men Of Old
9 January
1 John 4.11–18; Psalm 72.1, 10–13; Mark 6.45–52
13 January – Baptism of Christ
Isaiah 43.1–7; Psalm 29; Acts 8.14–17; Luke 3.15–17, 21–22
98 From The Eastern Mountains
46 On Jordan’s Bank The Baptist’s Cry
108 When Jesus Came To Jordan
103 O Worship The Lord In The Beauty Of Holiness
16 January
Hebrews 2.14–18; Psalm 105.1–9; Mark 1.29–39
20 January
Isaiah 62.1–5; Psalm 36.5–10; 1 Corinthians 12.1–11; John 2.1–11
97 Christ Is Our Light!
676 Immortal, Invisible
104 Songs Of Thankfulness And Praise
128 Jesu, Lover Of My Soul
23 January
Hebrews 7.1–3, 15–17; Psalm 110.1–4; Mark 3.1–6
27 January
Nehemiah 8.1–3, 5–6, 8–10; Psalm 19.1–6; 1 Corinthians 12.12–31a; Luke 4.14–21
99 Hail To The Lord’s Anointed
635 For The Healing Of The Nations
646 God Is Working His Purpose Out
510 Will You Come And Follow Me?
30 January
Hebrews 10.11–18; Psalm 110.1–4; Mark 4.1–20
Other feasts, festivals and celebrations for January:
- 2 January
- Seraphim, monk, spiritual guide, 1833
- Vedanayagam Samuel Azariah, bishop, evangelist, 1945
- 10 January
- William Laud, archbishop, 1645
- 11 January
- Mary Slessor, missionary, 1915
- 12 January
- Aelred, abbot, 1167; Benedict Biscop, scholar, 689
- 17 January
- Antony of Egypt, hermit, abbot, 356
- Charles Gore, bishop, founder of the Community of the Resurrection, 1932
- 18 January
- Start of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: to January 25th
- Amy Carmichael, founder of the Dohnavour foundation, 1951
- 19 January
- Wulfstan, bishop, 1095
- 21 January
- Agnes, child martyr, 304
- 22 January
- Vincent of Saragossa, deacon, martyr, 304
- 24 January
- Francis de Sales, bishop, teacher of the faith, 1622
- 25 January
- Conversion of St Paul
- 26 January
- Timothy and Titus, companions of Paul
- 28 January
- Thomas Aquinas, priest, philosopher, teacher of the faith, 1274
- 30 January
- Charles, king and martyr, 1649
- 31 January
- John Bosco, priest, founder of the Salesian Teaching Order, 1888
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