The readings for the main services of Holy Communion on Sunday and Wednesday during August are as follows.
1 August
Jeremiah 15.10,16.21; Psalm 59.1-4,18-20; Matthew 13.44-46
5 August
2 Samuel 11.26—12.13a; Psalm 51.1–13; Ephesians 4.1–16; John 6.24–35
8 August – Dominic, Founder of the Order of Preachers, 1221
Romans 10.13-17; Psalm 40.4-11; Luke 10.1-12
12 August
2 Samuel 18.5–9, 15, 31–33; Psalm 130; Ephesians 4.25—5.2; John 6.35, 41–51
15 August – Blessed Virgin Mary
Isaiah 61.10–11 ; Psalm 45.10–17; Galatians 4.4–7; Luke 1.46–55
19 August
1 Kings 2.10–12, 3.3–14; Psalm 111; Ephesians 5.15–20; John 6.51–58
22 August
Ezekiel 34.1-11; Psalm 23; Matthew 20.1-16
26 August
1 Kings 8.[1, 6, 10–11] 22–30, 41–43; Psalm 84; Ephesians 6.10–20; John 6.56–69
29 August
2 Thessalonians 3.6-10,16-18; Psalm 128; Matthew 23.27-32
Other Festivals during August:
- 1 August
Lammas Day - 4 August
Jean-Baptiste Vianney, curé d’Ars, spiritual guide, 1859 - 6 August
Transfiguration of Our Lord - 7 August
John Mason Neale, priest, hymn writer, 1866 - 9 August
Mary Sumner, founder of the Mothers’ Union, 1921 - 10 August
Laurence, deacon, martyr, 258 - 11 August
Clare of Assisi, founder of the Poor Clares, 1253
John Henry Newman, priest, 1890 - 13 August
Jeremy Taylor, bishop, teacher of the faith, 1667
Florence Nightingale, nurse, social reformer, 1910
Octavia Hill, social reformer, 1912 - 14 August
Maximilian Kolbe, friar, martyr, 1941 - 20 August
Bernard, abbot, teacher of the faith, 1153
William & Catherine Booth, founders of the Salvation Army 1912, 1890 - 24 August
Bartholomew the Apostle - 27 August
Monica, mother of Augustine of Hippo, 287 - 28 August
Augustine, bishop, teacher of the faith, 430 - 29 August
Beheading of John the Baptist - 30 August
John Bunyan, spiritual writer, 1688 - 31 August
Aidan, bishop, missionary, 651
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