Santa Margarita has for several years prepared food parcels, or vouchers, or both, to assist families in need at Easter, as well as at Christmas and Harvest Thanksgiving. This year, we were challenged by the restrictions relating to COVID-19. For one thing, the Social Services department, with whom we normally organise our donations, was working from home.
Recently, I noticed that Natalie Dillon, a young woman of British extraction, who has grown up in Menorca, had organised a Just Giving web page to enable donations to be made to provide food and other necessities to those seeking assistance from the Red Cross and Caritas. Requests for help have grown enormously during the two months of quarantine in Menorca.
I contacted Natalie, and asked whether the church could contribute to her programme, to which she responded enthusiastically. With the support of the churchwardens, I arranged to provide €250. At a meeting at the Red Cross on Friday morning, it was identified that there were 127 families seeking assistance for cleaning products. The church funds were passed on to the Red Cross, and a need was met – serendipity.
It was a good reminder that during a pandemic, cleaning products are extremely important. It’s not just about food!
Donations can be made to the church and designated for its food bank programme (which we might have to rename!), or through Just Giving, Cadena de Favores Menorca.
To support the ministry of Santa Margarita, the Anglican Church in Menorca, please click on the button below to make a donation.

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