The following report was submitted for the annual meeting of the chaplaincy on 24 April 2022.
As we are approaching what might be a “new normal”, I have nothing much to report that is new.
I have received an e-mail from Elizabeth Bussman-Morton who is the Environment Officer for the Diocese in Europe. Attached to her email was a letter from The Rt Revd Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich, who is Lead Bishop for the Environment. The letter is addressed to our Bishop Robert, and certifies that the Diocese in Europe has been awarded the Eco Bronze Award.
Locally, as Environmental officer I have continued to encourage our congregation to reduce, reuse and recycle. A list of ideas for this can be found on the notice board in the tea room. And when space allows, in our weekly bulletin.
I have offered to recycle tapones [plastic bottle caps], and now … to handle the latest fad in coffee making, the use of “the coffee Pod.” In the last year, on Menorca, one can find new receptacles for recycling these pods. Even so, I have volunteered to take pods and tapones to the local recycling center for our church members. It seems to have been fairly effective, as I regularly get bags of each in the containers at the back of the church.
In Es Castell, as in other areas around the island, there are new recycling bins for all sorts of items, such as batteries, small electronics (like mobile phones), ink cartridges, different types of light bulbs. In addition there is a recycling center for larger items located in the San Lluis poligono industriel.
In the last two weeks I have expanded my environmental ministry by helping to create and participate in a recycling program at the Menorca Cricket Club.
As the weather continues to get better I will continue my treks to local beaches to aid in the massive Beach Clean Menorca program which for the most part has ebbed a bit, due to COVID.
Respectfully submitted by Kate Strudwick.
[…] Received the Environmental Officer’s report. […]