What can we do to help the victims of war in Ukraine and the humanitarian crisis resulting from it? At the moment, there are (at least) three options in Menorca.
? Donate to the fund established by the Diocese in Europe and USPG to support humanitarian work using the button below.
? Donate to the initiative to send medical and food supplies to Ukraine via the Ukrainian Church in Palma, Mallorca. There is a specific list of items required (see below). These can be purchased and brought to the church:
Monday to Friday, 10:00-12:00; Thursday 17:00-19:00; Sunday 10:00-11:00;
or by sending a bank transfer to:
Asociación de Ayuda a Ucrania, IBAN ES07 2100 6805 9302 0006 6471; BIC/Código SWIFT: CAIXESBBXXX.
? Donate material goods via Menorca Home Care on the Polygon Industriel of Sant Lluís to help the refugees arriving in Menorca. Two families have already arrived; 40 more are expected in the next few weeks. The Consell has made arrangements to support them, but various voluntary groups are helping. Some funds from the church’s food bank fund have been given to the first families to arrive.
Any donations made via the church ‘Donate’ button, below, and designated ‘Ukraine’ in the notes, will be shared between these three initiatives, as determined by the church wardens.
Requested Medical and Food Supplies to go to Ukraine
- Medicamentos de los primeros auxilios
- Medicamentos para quemaduras
- Medicamentos para estómago
- Ortopedia
- Celox (Importante)
- Pomadas analgésicas y antibiótica
- Cremas regeneradoras para piel
- Agua oxigenada
- Betadine
- Torniquetes de vendaje, analgésicos
- Pañales/Pañales desechables
- Helofusina
- Helospan y cloruro de sodio (SOLO en plástico o polietileno)
- Acido tranexámico en ampollas
- Naloxona
- Dexametasona
- Adrenalina
- Dexalgina
- Meloxicam, también todo en ampollas
- Peróxido de hidrógeno
- Clorhexidina
- Betadine
- Hemotran
- Toallitas hemostáticas
- Sanger
- Ketanov
- Bisturí 23,15,
- Ácido tranexámico 100 mg/ml
- Dexalgin/ketorolaco/ketolong/ketrolgin/cetonas
- Soluciones en plástico: Cloruro de sodio, Sterofundin, Huck, Gelaspan, Plasmoven, Ringer Jeringas de todos los tamaños excepto insulina
- Adrenalina/norepinefrina – Ondansetrón 100 mg;
- Magnesia
- Naloxona
- Nimesil/áfido
- Bobinas mínimas de cinta reforzada
- Efecto antiviral y mucaltificante
- Dopamina
- Hidazepam
- Barvolal
- Corvalment
- Corvalol
- Venflons rosa, VERDE
- Torniquetes/Torniquete venoso
- Tijeras medicas
- Guantes de goma
- Vendaje (6 y 4 pulgadas)
- Agentes hemostáticos (sobres de polvo) y jeringas
- Vendaje especial impregnado de coliseo
- Tubo nasóforo
- Adhesivo oclusal
- Yeso adhesivo
- Cinta americana
- Agujas para neumotórax
- Parches anti-quemaduras
- Vendaje adicional
- Lo más importante son conservas en lata (alubias, albóndigas, atún, sardinas, etc…)
- Frutos secos
- Chocolate sin leche
- Barritas energéticas
- Galletas
- Te y café
Se necesitan alimentos no perecederos listos para consumir. Cualquier comida, preparada envasada en lata o similar
(NO recipientes de cristal)
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